Saturday, August 28, 2010

Get gear for demonboom:
Increase frost badges.
- 1 Instance Per Day
- 1 Weekly Quest, do on tuesday
- VoA 25 and VoA10

- Get 450 LW damnit

1 Part of an Achievement Each Day
- Mountain O Mounts is first
1) Runecloth for Home Factions (need a shitton)
/target [npcname here]
/script SelectGossipAvailableQuest(1)
/script CompleteQuest()
/script GetQuestReward()

Find tv show for leveling

Make sure carbonite is on
Turn on Pawn for paladin
( Pawn: v1: "Ret PvE": ArmorPenetration=0.86, CritRating=1.17, Dps=6.15, Strength=2.1, Agility=1.13, ExpertiseRating=1.5, HasteRating=1.13, HitRating=2.2, Ap=0.82, MetaSocket=107, RedSocket=37, YellowSocket=35, BlueSocket=34)

Get paladin northrend flying; 1k for book @ dalaran
Get faster mount at thrallmar

send chants to paladin:
cloak: Greater Speed
bracers: greater assault
Hands: crusher

Pants: Nerubian Leg Armor

Level paladin 1/2 per day through questing
Get ret paladin consumables. Food, elixirs, water.
Get ret spec for paladin
Gear paladin for dps
Crusader Strike > Hammer of Wrath > Judgement > Divine Storm > Consecration > Exorcism > Holy Wrath

Refresh ALL Auctions once per 12 hours.
Refresh craftables on Saturdays
Stockpile inks and glyphs. Glyphs should be 20 per. Should have a gbank absolutely full of inks.
Dedicate two gbank tabs for bags.

Set up Auctioneer Snatch.

Buy minipets

New Addons:

y "Snatch" list

Recently i made a post about what i make and sell and have decided i should make one about what i buy and for how much, just so you can get a feel for my realms prices.

Fire - 10g
Life - 15g
Water - 2g
Shadow - 3g
Earth - 3g
Air - 10g

I buy out any eternal under these prices every other day. sometimes if i am running low on a certain type of eternal i will pay 1-2 gold more when needed.


Icethorn/Adders tounge/Lichbloom - 15g per stack
Goldclover/Tiger's lily/Deadnettle/Talandr's rose/Firebloom - 10g per stack

I buy these herbs only to mill which is why i only buy them at 2 different prices or under. the icethorn group have a chance to mill on average 3 azure pigment or .5 icy pigment and the Goldclover group have a chace to mill on average 2.5 azure pigment or .25 icy pigment.


Saronite ore 14g per stack.
Titanium ore 120g per stack

Titanium ore is rarely that low so i dont often get any, but if i do i can make some easy gold just from selling the titanium powders.
As for the Saronite ore this is the item i buy the most. It has so many applications Prospect it for rare gems to cut or transmute, uncommon gems to transmute into meta-gems, vendor and craft into rings/necks. I also Smelt it into bars to transmute into titanium, use for crafting beltbuckles, sheild spikes and weapon chains. Also sometimes if i really have a load and i am fully stocked up on every thing i can make i will vendor it but this rarely happens and would only happen if i bought the stacks at less than 12g.


Golden pearl - 100g

I buy these for the +30 spellpower enchant to weapon while i sell for almost 1000g.

Righteous orbs - 50g

Used for crusader enchant which sells for 300-400g.

Frozen orbs - 10g

to trade them for eternal lifes

Netherweave cloth - 8g per stack

To stockpile in bolt format in preparation for the goblin mass's in cataclysm, ready to be crafted into bags

Frostweave cloth - 8g

Same as netherweave.

Batterd hilt - 8000g

I can still flip these for 11000g 3k profit if i just wait until none are on the auction house. Even if they dont sell im currently leveling about 4-5 characters that would appreciate a nice weapon upon getting to level 80.

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